Saturday, October 5, 2024

Digg Experts

While keeping informed and up to date about what is being written about Digg over the past several months I have come across a lot of information that really isn’t that insightful or in some cases is even just plain wrong.

So to help anyone interested in learning more about Digg sort through the jungle of information out there I have created the following list of bloggers who in my eyes have proved through their writings on the subject that they really know what they are talking about. These guys have established themselves as authorities on the subject of Digg. So here is the list of the Digg experts along with a few links to what they have written about Digg. I am sure there are others experts out there but these are the ones that I have found to be the most insightful. If you know of anyone else who deserves to be on this list please list them in the comments.

Neil Patel

Beginner’s Guide to Digg
How to get on the Digg homepage
How Not To Get Your URL Banned From Digg
Spying On Digg

Muhammad Saleem

The Digg Economy: Socialist Bookmarking
Why Digg’s Numbers Matter
Why The Wisdom of Crowds Fails on Digg
Legalizing The Underground Digg Economy

Todd Malicoat

Etiquette for Submitting Stories to Digg
The Search Marketers Guide to Digg

Ozgur Alaz

Top 10 Actionable Tips (Rules) That Make Me Top Digg User


On Diggs and Votes, but no Reads.
Digg’s Upcoming Features?

Cristian Mezei

The Digg Algorithm – Unofficial FAQ

Rand Fishkin

Why It Doesn’t Pay to Game Digg (or Other Link Aggregation Sites)
Top 100 Digg Users Control 56% of Digg’s HomePage Content



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Chris Sandberg is an independent internet marketer from who blogs regularly about search marketing and internet business.

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