Thursday, September 19, 2024

Google and Technorati Rewarding Sploggers?

I find it ironic that in a search of who is linking to Mashable’s report about StumbleUpon that a splogger is there using MY blog post (a splogger is someone who uses a system to automatically copy blog posts from other people).

But notice that neither Google nor Technorati have my own blog post displayed right now. Here, take a look. Technorati at 12:18 a.m. (Pacific Time) has Naik’s News. But not me. That’s a splog and is copying my content. I don’t care about that. But I do care that blog search engines reward jerks like this.

Google’s blog search does it too. Naik is there WITH MY FREAKING POST but I’m not.

Ask gets it right. Yeah Ask!

Why hasn’t Technorati fixed their splogging problems yet? Can’t they see that duplicate content is coming off of my blog? And, Google, come on. It’s amazing that with all your PhD’s over there that you can’t do a better job with blogs than you’ve done so far (I keep hearing that the engineers at Google are bored with blogs and RSS and stuff like that and would rather work on video compression systems or something “sexy.” That attitude will get me to switch to your competitors, especially when they do a dramatically better job like Ask is doing).

Please Matt Cutts, get rid of Naik. Same for you Dave Sifry. Thanks.



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Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as’s Vice President of Media Development.

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