Friday, September 20, 2024

Online Holiday Sales Soar

Online spending continues to increase at a record breaking pace. Cyber Monday the first Monday after Thanksgiving saw online sales reach an all time high of $608 million. The record was short lived. Last Monday, December 4 online sales shot to $647 million according to comScore Networks. That is $39 million more in online spending than on Cyber Monday. It also marks a 26 percent increase over the same day from last year.

Chairman of comScore Networks Gian Fulgoni said, “The single-biggest online consumer spending day last year was Monday, December 12 with $556 million spent, but this year we’vealready seen 7 days eclipse $600 million in spending. In fact, each of the
five days in the most recent work week (Monday, December 4 – Friday,
December 8 exceeded $610 million.” He went on to say that the biggest spending days are still approaching. He expects this week to be the peak for online holiday shopping with sales nearing $700 million on a single day. ranks first in online holiday sales for 2006. Rounding out the the top 3 spots are and Yahoo. In overall sales growth Best Buy has seen a 50 percent increase. Ticketmaster, Wal-Mart and Circuit City have also seen increased growth in online sales.

With online holiday sales soaring retailers must be thankful for consumers online goodwill.

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Mike is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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