Friday, September 20, 2024

What Does Google Suggest?

Ionut queried Google Suggest for what kind of advice people are looking for. Here’s some more, all found via Google Suggest (which bases its data on popular Google searches):

How to make …
… money? … pancakes? … a website? … a resume? … a bomb?

Is it true that …
… Ciara is a man? … Giraffes cannot make a sound? … you like to sleep alone? … Jarule is dead? … Jon Heder died? … people have a sixth sense?

Do we really …
… know Dewey? … exist? … have free will? … have freedom of speech? … need sleep?

What happens when …
… you die? … you quit smoking? … the pope dies? … a volcano erupts? … you sneeze?

Is love …
… real? … a fancy or a feeling? … enough? … blind? … a choice?

How to kill …
… a mockingbird? … yourself? … someone? … a tree? … a cat?

How to open …
… a coconut? … RAR files? … an Xbox? … an iPod? … a restaurant?

Is my son …
… a hacker? … gifted? … autistic? … on drugs?

Do drugs …
… kill? … always have to cost so much? … expire? … help you?

Does God …
… exist? … play dice? … love me? … change his mind? … answer prayers?

Does Satan …
… exist? … have a son? … know our thoughts?

Is Google …
… a number? … God? … down? … evil? … broken? … case-sensitive?

Will my …
… baby be a boy or a girl? … baby have red hair? … ex come back? … cell phone work in Mexico?

Do French …
… bulldogs shed? … women shave?

Do Chinese …
… eat dogs? … herbs work?

Why do people …
… smoke? … lie? … yawn? … dream? … take drugs? … cheat?

Is alcohol …
… a drug? … fattening? … good for you?

What can I …
… afford? … do with my degree? … claim on my taxes? … do with my life?

Do spiders …
… have teeth? … hibernate? … sleep? … have ears?

Do dogs …
… dream? … go to heaven? … see in color? … smile?

Do monkeys …
… eat meat? … sweat? … have belly buttons?

Do we all …
… have equal access to the law? ?

Do lawyers …
… make a lot of money?

Who is …
… Mike Jones? … God? … Jesus?

Do doctors …
… care?

Will she ever …
… be happy again? … come back to me? … like me? … love me again?

Will he ever …
… marry me? … love me? … leave his wife?

What does …
… my name mean? … Chuck’s license plate read in the 2000 movie Cast Away? … “URL” stand for? … “LOL” mean? … “sic” mean?

Is my boss …
… spying on me?



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Philipp Lenssen from Germany, author of 55 Ways to Have Fun With Google, shares his views & news on the search industry in the daily Google Blogoscoped.

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