Business people often need encouragement in their startup business phase. Getting that fledgling company ready to fly on its journey to success is a challenging and often lonely journey.
Along the way, the new entrepreneur will run straight into brick walls, and pass through pleasant flower laden meadows. Most of the time, the voyage is one of steady achievement and passing goals, as new targets are set and reached. That sense of accomplishment should be supported by others in your life.
Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Several successful business people have told me that their friends and families had thought from the start the company would fail. Instead of support, there was only criticism of the entrepreneurial venture. Arriving from an employment point of view, the critics were unable to comprehend the driving force of owning one’s own business. Even worse than the fault finding, they said, were false and insincere statements.
I asked what they meant by the insincerity aspect of the remarks. They responded that the people who spoke to them were often patronizing and didn’t really mean anything they said.
Some of the less than supportive statements included:
* That little company must be a great hobby.
* Keep on plugging and you might succeed.
* Is that little business just there until you get a job?
* This internet business thing is only a fad, but you knew that, right?
* Oh, so it’s like your blog is about your friends and stuff?
That is just a sampling of what some business people told me. Their tone of voice even turned slightly downward when they mentioned these statements. One man even said he would have preferred the comment had been that he would fail like many others before him. At least it would have honest, was his opinion.
Business startups require work and patience. They are often started as labours of love but soon turn to much more than that quaint phrase. The business becomes a viable company, but many close friends and family members don’t notice the transformation. Instead, they often remain behind the growth curve of the venture, and miss what is really taking place. An established company can be born, and still be thought of as “a great little hobby”.
When you talk to other business people, be sure to offer real encouragement. Show that you understand the risks, challenges, and countless rewards of entrepreneurship. Usually, it’s the little things that matter most, and for independent business people, they count for a lot. By sharing ideas with other entrepreneurs, you can even find yourself a new business partner. Perhaps you could develop an entrepreneur peer support group.
Providing others with genuine encouragement and support helps everyone.
It might even find you some new business friends.
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