Friday, September 20, 2024

WebSideStory Publish 4.0

Late last week WebSideStory announced the release of their latest On Demand CMS system which integrates directly with HBX Analytics.

From my experiences in implementing web analytics there sometimes have been difficulties implementing web analytics on a website powered by a CMS, so I was very intrigued with the idea of having a CMS system with Analytics built write in.

Some key benefits include:

  • Integrating Content From External Sources – In keeping with WebSideStory’s industry leading Web 2.0 capabilities, WebSideStory Publish 4.0 enables marketers to easily integrate content from other sources into their site, including RSS feeds, database information, news articles and data from mapping services.
  • PHP-based Templating System – Using enhanced scripting capabilities that leverage one of the most popular programming languages on the web, WebSideStory Publish 4.0 allows for much more sophisticated content creation. In addition to enabling analytics-driven content, this new system can automatically build a site map, generate site navigation based on the architecture of a site, or make sure content meets certain criteria, such as requiring FAQs to end in question marks.
  • Automatically Generate HBX Analytics Tags for Easy Analysis – When a new page is created in WebSideStory Publish 4.0, an HBX web analytics tag will automatically be customized and installed, providing for easy implementation and analysis.
  • New and Familiar User Interface – WebSideStory has a new interface that enables online marketers who utilize multiple applications in the WebSideStory Suite to work in a familiar application environment with a common look and feel.”
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    Bookmark Murdok:

    Manoj has been working in the search engine marketing industry since 2002. He started out as a software developer but now provides in-depth web site analysis using web analytics.

    Manoj is also the author of Web Analytics World. Web Analytics is an essential component in developing a successful
    online campaign. Help convert visitors into customers by understanding

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