Thursday, September 19, 2024

Duncan Riley leaves B5 Media

I was just over at Robyn Tippins blog. She blogs for B5 Media and reports that Duncan Riley, vice president of development for B5 Media has left B5.

Amazing that there’s nothing about this on Jeremy Wright’s blog (he’s one of the founders of B5). Nor is there anything over on B5’s site itself. Nor is there anything about this over on Rick Segal’s blog (he’s one of the VC’s who funded B5, although he has an interesting piece about entrepreneurs who start acting like employees, which might be giving some hints about what happened here). UPDATE 3: Jeremy Wright tells me that Rick’s post was not connected with Duncan leaving.

Calling Nick Denton. Calling Nick Denton. 🙂

UPDATE: I’m not the only one asking this. Munir Umrani, AKA the Blogging Journalist, is asking similar questions.

UPDATE 2: The B5 Media blog does have a mention of Duncan’s leaving. Comments are interesting there too.

My thoughts? I enjoyed Duncan’s work through the years. Hey, Duncan, you any good with a video camera? 😉



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Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as’s Vice President of Media Development.

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