Thursday, September 19, 2024

Get Buzz, Earn Cash: ReviewMe

Just signed up for ReviewMe a new site for which Advertisers can get their Web site’s products or services reviewed by related Web sites/Blogs thus benefiting from valuable exposure, feedback, and viral buzz.

But of course it’s not just the Advertisers that benefit from the Reviews because Bloggers will get paid to review the services and Web sites that are of interest to them and their readers, and reap the benefits of conversation with advertisers.

Here’s how it works for Advertisers:

  • Browse the marketplace of reviewers to find web sites that are relevant to your target audience. Reviews start at $40.00 and are a one-time fee per review.
  • Create a free account, define the products or services that you would like to get reviewed, then purchase some reviews.
  • Your order is sent to the reviewers and they will choose to take on the review or not.
  • You receive notification when each review is completed and published to the reviewer’s web site.

And here’s how it works for Bloggers:

  • Submit your site for inclusion into the ReviewMe publisher network. Begin by creating a free account using the link below.
  • If approved, your site will enter our ReviewMe marketplace and clients will purchase reviews from you.
  • You decide to accept the review or not.
  • You will be paid $20.00 to $200.00 for each completed review that you post on your site.

Ohh and just remember that if you do signup to ReviewMe and do get some reviews to post them you must make sure you state somewhere by some means or another that you are getting paid for your review post, just like I’m getting paid for this one, this is to do with the controversy around being paid to blog!

I myself am willing to give this a go, but to be honest I won’t be posting anything that’s not worthy of being posted here, and if I do manage to earn enough money on the sidelines, I’ll use the money do some competitions for you my readers, because well I don’t really blog for money. I Blog because I enjoy it!

Then again some money is nice to pay for hosting! 😉



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Darren Straight a Microsoft Student Partner (MSP) and Windows Live Butterfly
Expert is a University of Kent Student who is an avid blogger and technology
enthusiast who loves the passion of beta testing new products and services
from Microsoft.

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