Thursday, September 19, 2024

Eric Schmidt Talks User Portability of Data

WEB 2.0: Google CEO: Take your data and run – Network World One of the things that all internet companies need to do a better job on is in ensuring that our users have portability of data. So it was refreshing to read this morning that Google’s CEO, Eric Schmidt, was talking up user portability today.

As a user it frustrates me to no end when I cannot easily and seemlessly move my data between services. Whether it’s blog posts, bookmarks, photos, videos, favorites, calendar data, email, or any other type of media, data, first and foremost, ought to belong to the user.

From Schmidt:

“If you look at the historical large company behavior, they ultimately do things to protect their business practices or monopoly or what have you, against the choice of the users,” he said. “The more we can, for example, let users move their data around, never trap the data of an end user, let them move it if they don’t like us, the better.”

It’s nice to hear these kind of comments coming from the CEO of Google.



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Thomas Hawk is a San Francisco based photographer and technology writer.
He publishes the web site Thomas Hawk’s Digital Connection and is also
the Evangelist and CEO of the photo sharing site Zooomr.

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