Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Polygons on Google Maps and Google Earth


Google Earth was recently updated with the ability to draw polygons in the free version, and Andreas Bovens points out that this feature is now available for Google Maps as well…like for this sample overlaid with a KML/ KMZ file.

Andreas says, “It’s worth noting Google Maps only displays the very basic info included in the kmz file. Colors, opacity, and even descriptions are not preserved in the Google Maps display. The basic shapes and placement are of course correct.”

Also new is MapLib, a tool to convert any image into a Google Maps page, complete with the ability to annotate it with placemarks. Google Maps Mania points out this might be useful for maps or any other kind of photo – including very large ones (up to 6000×6000 pixels). You can try the cityscape image I found on Flickr.

[Thanks Andreas and Google Earth Blog! Cityscape photo by Ngader with a Creative Commons license.]



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Philipp Lenssen from Germany, author of 55 Ways to Have Fun With Google, shares his views & news on the search industry in the daily Google Blogoscoped.

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