Friday, September 20, 2024

The Feds Discover Social Networking

Relax, the Bush Administration isn’t trying to invade MySpace; instead, another group has erected a private playground called YoungFeds for the Administration’s less-than-geriatric staffers to enjoy.

Mashable’s Pete Cashmore pointed out the nascent MySpace clone populating the Internet. The new site, called, describes itself as “an online and live destination for young professionals working in and with the federal government to meet, network and advance.”

Maybe going to Georgetown Law means you don’t hear about places like MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, Live Journal, Xanga, Multiply, or any one of Yahoo’s seemingly endless social networking locations on the vast Internet. It doesn’t seem likely though.

There is a single post on the site’s blog, posted by GoodGovGuy welcoming visitors to the site. GGG wrote that the new site is an effort of the Council for Excellence in Government.

If you’re as cynical as the typical hack writer, the first thing that entered your mind just then was, “Council for Excellence in Government? Must have just launched.” It actually debuted in 1983, but asking when they might get started would probably be rude.

Geico supports the site too. I learned something new, namely that Geico wasn’t the name of a CGI gecko, but an acronym for Government Employees Insurance Company. Geico is one of Warren Buffett’s centerpieces in the Berkshire Hathaway cornucopia of companies, so there’s a pretty good chance my tax dollars have helped fund some of Buffett’s and Bill Gates’ bridge games.

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David Utter is a staff writer for murdok covering technology and business.

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