Friday, September 20, 2024

FeedDemon 2.1 Now Available

A new beta version of the popular FeedDemon RSS aggregator for Windows is now available.

Below are details of what’s in this beta which will make it into the final release version once the testing is over and done with.

A feature I like a lot with this beta is its seamless integration with Windows Live Writer, the blog editor from Microsoft, so that you can easily blog items directly from FeedDemon.

You’ve always been able to do this if you have an external blog editor installed on your computer. With this beta, though, it can automatically integrate WLW with FD with just a click or two.

This post is a perfect example of how easy it is to blog items from FD with WLW. In this case, I highlighted Nick Bradbury’s post in FD, right click > Send to > Default blog publishing tool.

It appears in WLW editing mode in the style and format of my blog. Cool.

This new beta is worth checking out for all the other features as indicated in Nick’s post below:

I’m pleased to announce that FeedDemon 2.1 Beta 2a is now available. As you can see from the release notes, there are a lot of changes in FeedDemon 2.1, including:

  • Pagination in the newspaper view.
  • Popular Topics feature which shows the most frequently linked articles across your subscriptions.
  • Redesigned subscription search
  • Keyword highlighting in watches and subscription search results.

  • Security lockdown – FeedDemon now completely disables scripting in its newspaper view, which means that even if an attacker finds a way to inject script into a feed in a way that circumvents FeedDemon’s “cleansing” of feed content, the script still won’t be able to execute.
  • Integration with Windows Live Writer.
  • YouTube Video Search added to keyword searches in subscription wizard.
  • Thumbnail images next to posts when summaries (excerpts) are displayed.
  • As always, please keep in mind that this is a beta version, so I don’t recommend downloading it unless you’re comfortable using unfinished software. If you do download the beta and run into any problems with it, please let us know by posting in the FeedDemon 2.1 Beta Forum.

    Note: This is a minor update from Beta 2, which was released earlier this week but never announced here. Please see this forum post for a list of changes since Beta 2.

Source: ANN: FeedDemon 2.1 Beta 2a
Originally published on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 20:36:08 GMT by Nick Bradbury



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Neville Hobson is the author of the popular blog which focuses on business communication and technology.

Neville is currentlly the VP of New Marketing at Crayon. Visit Neville Hobson’s blog:

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