Saturday, October 5, 2024

Building Your Customer List With a Newsletter

It is important to note a few points when writing your newsletter. Do not rush this and plan your publication well. Once you develop a really good newsletter you will have more chances of readers opening it and not unsubscribing.

Here are some tips:

Your layout: it is very important to be consistent and have the same layout for every newsletter. This will add to your credibility and subscribers like it. There are a few points you should be aware of with layout. It should be simple and easy to navigate. Subscribers love a simple businesslike newsletter that they will not have to spend a long time figuring out how to find things. See our layout for guidance.

Make it interesting: Have interesting content. This will include a feature article, tips and anything else you think your subscribers will enjoy. Some publishers even run special contests. You can even include quotes of the week or jokes if you want.

Articles: While we are on the subject of content let us stop to talk about your feature article. You have 2 alternatives with this. You can go to an article bank or online library and pick up one of their newest articles about your industry or you can treat your readers to an original article like we do.

Tips: These are good and sometimes people have a whole newsletter on just tips. They are short and to the point and subscribers can read them quickly and often act on them fast. Advertising: Most free newsletters include advertising and your readers will expect this. However do not go overboard with these. Try to keep no more than 4 in your newsletter, so that it does not get cluttered. Free ads can be put out on a special link like we have so that there is better exposure and the newsletter can be read and enjoyed by your subscribers.

3rd party ads: this is something you will do when your newsletter gets a little bigger. Again try to limit these so that your newsletter does not get crowded. Always limit these ads to ones that your readers will be able to use and will be of interest to them. Response will be better and you will get repeat advertisers. Do not go overboard with Solo Ads, x2 a week is really quite enough.

Ad swaps: when your newsletter gets big enough (1000 subscribers and up) you will be able to swap ads. The best ones to swap are for newsletter subscribers you can gain a few good readers this way.

Your own ads: You can put your own ads in your newsletter and sell your goods or affiliate products.

Personalize: Always personalize your newsletter. Readers love this, it makes them feel like people not numbers and response will be better to ads and surveys.

Frequency: Try to publish your newsletter on a regular basis, once a week, every 2 weeks or at the most once a month. You will maintain contact with your subscribers in this way and have a better response.

List management: Save your time and get a good autoresponder. This useful piece of software will let you subscribe visitors to your newsletter automatically and will supply a link for them to unsubscribe from your newsletter, plus many other tasks.

Can Spam Act: always have links to unsubscribe from any mailing you send out to your readers. Plus put a legal disclaimer at the bottom of your newsletter like ours. In your welcome letter explain about 3rd party ads, as you will notice in our welcome letter. This will make your newsletter and mailings compliant with the Can Spam laws.

Now use these points and utilize this great tool for building your list and developing a rapport with your subscribers. Over time you will get a list good leads and loyal life long customers.


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Christopher T Robinson is a renowned online marketing author. He is the author of his free ebook “Effectively Marketing Your Home Business 2006”, Free Home Business Ebook, and also highly recommends these best selling online tools and software best internet marketing tools

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