Friday, September 20, 2024

Crank Up The SEM Keywords

Yahoo Store aficionado Rob Snell, who speaks and has written about Yahoo’s online marketplace, wants to make sure everyone has converting keywords so they can make lots of cash.

No guarantees of course, but as far as Snell is concerned in his post on the Y!Store blog about converting keywords, it is as close to a sure bet as anyone can get in search engine marketing.

“Converting keywords are the search phrases folks look for when buying what you sell,” wrote Snell. “You can find these nuggets of gold in your merchant order emails, inside referrers from exporting your orders, inside your Manager’s Sales reports, in paid search conversion tracking reports (if you buy ads with Y!SM or Google), and inside reports of some third party analytics software (if you use their software).”

That is the basic concept of the converting keyword. If someone searching for that keyword ends up on a site and makes a purchase, it counts as one. Snell recommended three things the prudent webmaster needs to do in reviewing a site:

Check your site for the converting keywords: When you get a converting keyword phrase, make sure that the words from that phrase actually appear somewhere on your store…

Check your search engine rankings: Check to see if a page from your domain ranks in the top 10 search results for that keyword phrase.

Check your paid search campaigns: Finally, check to see if you’re buying that keyword phrase in your paid search campaigns…
Snell suggested making sure that a new converting keyword phrase appears in the text of a website. “The easiest way to do this is to search your store using built-in Store Search,” on Yahoo, he noted.

Also, pick the most relevant page for that converting keyword phrase. When a customer lands on the site from a search for that converting keyword, the content of that page should be relevant to the customer’s query.

While this may be basic information for the more seasoned SEM pros out there, it never hurts to recheck things. One never knows if a nicely performing page can do a little better.


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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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