Sunday, October 6, 2024

Wheres the Bloggers on New Acrobat?

I thought that something like a new version of Adobe Acrobat, which, according to Google on a search for “PDF,” which is the file format produced by Acrobat, is found 2.5 billion times on the Web, would be covered more heavily than it is.

Particularly on sites that pride themselves on covering everything that moves on the Web like TechCrunch or GigaOM.

But, no, no coverage at all about Adobe Acrobat. Despite having something like 500+ million players loaded on computers near you (Adobe’s numbers, but sounds pretty accurate) there’s nothing out there.

Then I went to Google Blog Search and Technorati and did searches for other bloggers who are covering the new Acrobat announcements. Nothing. Even CNET’s has nothing up about it. You would think that at least someone would post the ceremonial “that sucks” kind of commentary. But, no, just silence. It’s like everyone is reading about the HP scandal and forgot that other stuff could happen.

Interesting. But if some new video service or a new Web 2.0 company or service were announced right now (even from my own company) it’d get covered all over the place.

What do you make of that?

By the way, how do I know that the bloggers are missing out? Cause Christopher Coulter is here at the ScobleCasa. He watched the demo of Acrobat 8 and said “that’s cool” at several places. He even said nice things about my video skills. Oh, boy, now the world has gone topsy turvy.


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Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as’s Vice President of Media Development.

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