Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Story Of ASP Web Hosting

ASP web hosting is a type of web hosting service that uses ASP technology. ASP technology is Microsoft’s technology on the server-side that is used for web pages.

ASP stands for “Active Server Pages” and is marketed as an add-on for Internet Information Services.

Programming an ASP web site through the use of ASP web hosting is generally regarded as being quite simple, and this brief article will take you through some of the specifics involved in the process.

ASP web sites are made using “built-in objects” which correspond to a specific group of functions used to create “dynamic web pages”.

A dynamic web page is a web page that contains content that can be moved such as images or form data. The data can be moved without the need to reload or refresh the page. ASP technology functions best with dynamic web page construction.

There are various versions of ASP technology, for example “ASP 3.0”. I shall use ASP 3.0 in all examples of web hosting technology because it is one of the more commonly used versions of ASP. ASP 3.0 contains several of the built-in objects including “Application” and “Session”.

“Session” is an object that maintains various functions throughout the pages of your web site.

An ASP web hosting firm that uses ASP 3.0 is generally equipped with the proper technological information to provide the user with adequate system information at all times and of course, basic customer support.

There are several versions of ASP; the most recent is ASP.NET version 2.0 and this version hit the market in November of 2005. Many companies function using this version.

ASP Hosting Basics

An ASP web hosting firm gives the basics of ASP to the consumer and uses the technology to assist and maintain their web hosting company.

There are various promotions in place that can collaborate with the ASP technology to offer different discounts and time trial-type selections with which to administer your web site and its products to the consumers.

It is important to shop around, as always, to discover which ASP host will help you with the different aspects of your business and/or personal web site and the needs you have that go with it.

In a general sense, as with anything else, finding a good ASP web hosting service can be difficult but very rewarding as well.

Finding the best team to work with your team is an asset to all business and personal operators in the world of global marketing, personal marketing and services, and general internet technology.


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